Joy Playshop this Saturday!

So looking forward to this transformational movement this Saturday at Dancing Lotus Fitness in Lake Mills!!
~Healing Moves~
A Joy Playshop!
Saturday, September 20th, 10:00-11:30am
Learn a fun practice for creating more ease in your body, mind, emotions, and spirit- while tapping into resources for your natural instincts to better resolve life situations. We’ll be playing through childhood developmental stag
es to recover joy and release uncomfortable patterns. It is for every Body; stiff beginners to fit athletes. Allow pleasure and dynamic ease to replace stress. Move barefoot or wear (preferably thin) soft-sole shoes. Watch for follow-up Playshops.
Katia has training and experience as a blue belt Nia teacher, as well as other dance and healing modalities.
$15 Early Registration (by Sept 15th), $20 Regular.