About Reiki

Reiki is what awakened me to my gifts and abilities to contribute to other's innate healing. Reiki (ray-key)... a natural healing art which consists of laying on of hands to link one to the energy of Reiki. The experience affects one’s entirety of mind, body, and spirit. Reiki transforms the energy field surrounding a body. A sensation of inner bliss and harmony, which begins to flow during treatment, accompanies working with this power. Afterwards, there is a feeling of having experienced something especially beautiful. Reiki vitalizes the body and soul and supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Relief can be attained for all kinds of complaints. Reiki promotes wholeness and helps prevent disease.
Most Reiki recipients relax very deeply during treatment. On occasion, old and unresolved experiences may become conscious, again. A needed release of emotion can occur. It has also been known for strongly visual experiences to occur. A series of treatments can bring about dissolving inner barriers, which block body, mind and spirit growth.
Reiki is an ancient healing modality rediscovered in the 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is a Japanese word for “Universal Life Energy”. Treatment is given through the client’s clothes, as Reiki will go through material, including plaster casts. The healing comes from the life force flowing through the Reiki channel. The treatments relax the body, and gently remove stress and crystallizations on all levels. It opens the intuitive abilities.
In addition to my Reiki training and 40 year background of holistic studies, I use intuition to guide participants to listen deeply within.
Sessions are usually 1 hour, or up to an hour and a half if requested.
Distance Healing Video Chats can be pre-paid and prorated for a time of your choice.
The rate for the first hour is $100. $80/hour proration after the first hour.
Reiki Video
Want to learn more about Reiki?
Katia offers Reiki in her home office in Cambridge, Wisconsin.
This video offers an overview of what Reiki is, where it originated, plus the benefits of receiving and learning Reiki. Her practice is no longer at 'Facilitated' as featured in the video. Contact her through the tab above.
Reiki I Class ~ No experience required
Reiki is a natual laying on of hands healing technique that was rediscovered in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1800's. Reiki is both powerful and gentle. Its long history of use has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury.
All one needs to become a Reiki channel is the desire to learn and the commitment to use Reiki on oneself. The channeling of such a loving, calm energy is a truly uplifting and empowering experience. Reiki is more than just another healing modality, as the initiations create a powerful catalyst for change.
The healing power is transferred to the student through the Reiki Master by an attunement process. The student receives four attunements to the energy in a Reiki I class. They awaken the individual's own healing channels, align the body with the soul energy and open intuitive abilities. Once attuned to the energy the student is able to immediately begin to heal themselves, others, plants and animals.
The healer always receives a healing while giving a treatment, so the energy is not depleted. Reiki blends with all other healing methods. It is wonderful for all bodies.
Anyone dealing with the public, or wishing to improve his or her own health. Reiki is an amazing energy that comes directly from the highest source. It has intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what to do.
Two days TBD, 9am-about 4pm
in Cambridge, WI
Allow up to an hour to practice Reiki the first evening, on someone after class.
* Early Fee: $225 due a week before class. After that date: $240
Contact Katia for more information or a complimentary demonstration.

Reiki II ~ Contact Katia to schedule
In the intermediate class, students are taught sacred symbols for distance healing and for use during hands on healing. Reiki is strengthened by two additional attunements and considerable time is spent sending the healing symbols. Reiki II is appropriate for students who have completed Reiki I and have made a commitment to continue their own healing as well as to adopt the values of Reiki as a way of living. Deeper inner awareness is prompted by this level. The additional training and attunements allow the Reiki II practitioner to perform not only hands on healing with a greater level of healing power, but also to perform distance healing on persons not in their presence. The cost for the advanced classes are discussed when a student completes Reiki I, if they are interested.
Reiki III ~ Mastery
The Reiki III student is initiated as a Reiki Master but may have not yet made the decision to teach Reiki to others. This was a great connector to wholeness and true life fulfillment for me. During the one-day Reiki III class the student is taught the Reiki Master symbol for use in emergency healings and receives one additional attunement. This class is appropriate for students who wish to have their healing power strengthened and who have made a further commitment to personal growth, healing self and others. The class involves meditations leading to self-discovery and other exercises to help the healer learn more about their self and in turn how to help others. It expands consciousness for those that are moved to this depth of Reiki. A portion of the cost for Reiki III is repaid to Spirit in service to assist life.
Master/Teacher Class
In this advanced course the student is initiated as a Reiki Master and taught the master symbol much as in Reiki III. In addition the Master Teacher student is taught the methods of giving attunements to students and passing on the traditions and values of Reiki. Much time is spent preparing and learning the method and tools for the traditional way of teaching. The Master Teacher is someone who has made a strong commitment to Self, the higher power, and their Teacher to practice the principles of Reiki in daily life, to treat it as a sacred gift and to honor those before them who have dedicated their lives to the ethics and practice of Reiki. The Teacher understands the need for continued personal healing and is committed to that practice and to teaching this gift of love to others in the way it was taught to them.